Welcome to

EnergyWeek 2025 March 17th to 20th

Seminar programme from the 2024 event, stay tuned for the 2025 seminars!

9 — 10
10 — 11
11 — 12
12 — 13
13 — 14
14 — 15
15 — 16
16 — 17
17 — 18
18 — 19
Energia- & ilmastoseminaari
From trash to treasure
Circular economy
Zero Emission Data Centres
Energy transition & cyber security
Opening of EnergyWeek
Wind Seminar 1: As the world gets continuously more unsecure, are we neglecting sustainability, renewable energy and climate change?
Wind Seminar 2: Offshore wind expansion in Finland – are we focusing on the right triggers and tackling the right hurdles?
Powered by Space – Space technologies and energy transformation
AI / XR for Super Productivity and Innovation Workshop in Energytech Sector
EnergySampo Forum II
The Research Exhibition of Energy and After Work
Team Finland: Financing the Green Transition
EnergySpin Forum & Innovation Awards
Buildings exist, IoT exists. Why do they not meet?
Energy storage seminar: How to speed up Nordic battery value chain investments
Energy Storage Seminar 2: Navigating the Challenges of the Establishment of Battery-related Industry: A Focus on Workforce, Education, and Training
U.S. Energy Market
EnergyAcademy: Back to the Future REVISITED!
Fossil Free Future
Energy for Sustainable Future
Wärtsilä WISE Launch Event
Gas Seminar 1: Business opportunities in the hydrogen value chain
Social Engineering
Gas Seminar 2: Using e-fuels to decarbonise ecosystems
Energia- & ilmastoseminaari
From trash to treasure
Circular economy
Zero Emission Data Centres
Energy transition & cyber security
Opening of EnergyWeek
Wind Seminar 1: As the world gets continuously more unsecure, are we neglecting sustainability, renewable energy and climate change?
Wind Seminar 2: Offshore wind expansion in Finland – are we focusing on the right triggers and tackling the right hurdles?
Powered by Space – Space technologies and energy transformation
AI / XR for Super Productivity and Innovation Workshop in Energytech Sector
EnergySampo Forum II
The Research Exhibition of Energy and After Work
Team Finland: Financing the Green Transition
EnergySpin Forum & Innovation Awards
Buildings exist, IoT exists. Why do they not meet?
Energy storage seminar: How to speed up Nordic battery value chain investments
Energy Storage Seminar 2: Navigating the Challenges of the Establishment of Battery-related Industry: A Focus on Workforce, Education, and Training
U.S. Energy Market
EnergyAcademy: Back to the Future REVISITED!
Fossil Free Future
Energy for Sustainable Future
Wärtsilä WISE Launch Event
Gas Seminar 1: Business opportunities in the hydrogen value chain
Social Engineering
Gas Seminar 2: Using e-fuels to decarbonise ecosystems

Monday 11 March

Energia & ilmasto

Welcome to Vaasa EnergyWeek

The annual EnergyWeek gathers energy enthusiasts from all over the world to share information, hear about the latest news and most interesting cases, extend their networks and do business. EnergyWeek focuses on renewable energies, smart energy, gas energy and energy storage. Topics of interest include digitalization, batteries and storage, circular economy, future smart cities, energy regulation, business and innovation. The EnergyWeek event location is at the Vaasa city hall on Senaatinkatu 1.

Check out the promo from Hitachi Energy, and meet them at EnergyWeek.

Vuoden energia­tapahtuma

EnergyWeek kokoaa Vaasaan energia-alan osaajat, vaikuttajat ja päättäjät

EnergyWeek on tapahtumaviikko sinulle, joka olet kiinnostunut energia-alasta. Tervetuloa Vaasaan hakemaan uusinta tietoa, inspiraatiota ja kontakteja! EnergyWeekin teemoina tänä vuonna ovat akut ja varastointi, kiertotalous, tulevaisuuden älykkäät kaupungit, digitalisaatio, energia-alan sääntely sekä business ja innovaatiot.

Årets energi­evenemang

EnergyWeek samlar energibranschens experter, påverkare och beslutsfattare till Vasa

EnergyWeek är ett evenemang för dig som brinner för energibranschen. Välkommen till Vasa för att hämta den senaste kunskapen, inspiration och kontakter! Teman på årets EnergyWeek är batterier och lagring, cirkulär ekonomi, framtidens smarta städer, digitalisering, energireglering samt business och innovationer.


EnergyVaasa is the leading energy hub in the Nordic countries.

Our mission is clear: to create more sustainable technologies for saving the planet! EnergyVaasa is the home for over 160 energy companies that export products and solutions to all corners of the world.

Have you heard about the theory of six points of contacts? According to the theory, it takes just six people to connect to any person in the world. In our energy hub, we can offer you those six people and many more! The considerable amount of companies within our energy industry provides the opportunity to network and always find the best experts. Sounds tempting, doesn´t it?